Sony A7R, 24-70mm, set at 50mm, f22, 1/20 sec. ISO 800
Rfoto Folio just selected this image as a finalist in the competition named One. You can view the finalists at
This image was photographed at Filoli on May 21, 2015 on a field trip for our Independent Workshop Group.
The original image was processed in Lightroom5 and Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 to create that ethereal, dream like quality.
The judges wrote: This image by Barbara Moon Batista is very dream like. It reminds us of those walks in the woods when you come up on a clearing and what you find is a visual gift.
I feel like I was given a gift by the folks at Rfoto Folio. Recognition has a way of firing up the lagging energy of processing images and sharing them through completion, exhibit or the classroom.
Thank you so much Rfoto Folio, I am grateful for the gift you gave me.